Live Call - Ask the Aloe Expert
Join Dr. Jeri L Heyman, PhD to learn how our unique breakthrough purification technology delivers the only fully effective aloe vera - without aloe's typical limitations & warnings & how AloeForce can support the wellness & immune systems of your whole family.
UNIQUELY PURE. UNIQUELY POWERFUL. ALOEFORCE JUICE, SKIN GEL & SPRAY Previous Call RecordingsIntro/background discussed:
The Aloe Plant is the only plant on the planet that has all the beta-glucomannans (fuels for all specialized cells) that Nature makes. It is the only plant on the planet that contains the beta 1,4 glucan that is the direct fuel for our main white blood cells, our macrophages (our immune regulatory, antiviral. and growth orchestration cells). And Dr Jeri's scrutiny of the research uncovered the fact that only Aloe in its raw, intact form does it contain and deliver these fuels to be able to fuel the macrophages directly. It has to be in Nature's unbroken design to deliver all that the live aloe plant has to offer. When the pharmaceutical company, Carrington labs (patented Acemannan) found that their powdered version of the raw, pure Aloe (from our lab) only worked on the immune system when in its original liquid form and no longer worked on the immune system (with HIV) when isolated & freeze dried, To make sure the original raw, completely purified aloe wouldn't be lost forever - Dr Jeri founded Herbal Answers, Inc, to produce and make this unique - unbroken, liquified, 'whole' aloe in AloeForce products - known and available to the public. AloeForce is the only Aloe that removes 100% of all contraindications for aloe and is the only aloe safe to use and drink daily, in high amounts if needed, for newborns to the elderly and for all issues, conditions and situations. Because the irritant/toxins are completely removed it is the only aloe safe for pregnant women to ingest, is tri-doshic (for all Ayurvedic types) and is safe for all blood types (as ALL contraindications for Aloe usage is due to the toxins that others cannot remove completely). Thus, AloeForce is pure and safe for all and all uses and is the only fully effective, immune empowering, regenerative Aloe available. Live Replay December 6, 2022 - click the arrow below to listenTopics Covered & Discussed: Ideas for gift giving for the holiday season, especially tips on gut support and regeneration and immune empowerment in preparation for a strong, healthy holiday celebration and a Happy and Healthy New Year
AloeForce is the perfect All-Purpose gift to our bodies because it is safe, powerful and empowering for: hydration, oxidation, balancing, comfort, immune empowerment, detox, elimination, healthy skin support, renewal and rejuvenation. There are hundreds of ways to use our Herbal and Pure AloeForce Juices, The Skin Gel and The Mistifier Spray. The best part? All of these products can be used by anyone, any body type, any age, with no contraindications or warnings. Even pets of all kinds can benefit from AloeForce. RAW-Purified Aloe is blessing to us, and a gift that brings such inspiration, joy, comfort, joy, vitality, excitement and energy to our lives and our bodies; making every day better. So this year, you can give the gift of possibilities and the discovery of what our bodies can do when they're fueled properly and powerfully. Live Replay November 8, 2022 - click the arrow below to listenTopics Covered & Discussed: GRATITUDES & PREPARING FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON
Dr. Jeri discusses how you can prepare for the holiday 'feasting' and our Gratitudes for wellness support & empowerment to be able to fully enjoy the holiday season ahead. Learn how AloeForce can help to prepare your gut and how we have the anti-dote' for over-feasting and over-indulging. We have so much to be Grateful for this holiday season. Not only to we have the support to 'get through' the holidays, but to be able to EMPOWER our bodies and our IMMUNE system to be able to fully embrace and enjoy the entire holiday season's festivities. Live Replay October 11, 2022 - click the arrow below to listenTopics Covered & Discussed: Using AloeForce to create a healthy gut (gastrointestinal system) & why it's such a powerful resource for empowering your health at the cellular level.
Live Replay September 13, 2022. CLICK HERE to ListenNotes on Our Most Recent Call:
Please note: We require registration to attend and listen to these calls to acknowledge our disclaimer that these calls are for educational purposes only about the living aloe plant's gifts to support our bodies when it is not 'broken' by processing. Call 9/13/22 Immune support and Empowerment. (Q&A - mammograms/breast health, muscle cramps, usage regimens (daily and therapeutic), candida, blood health, purity/safety for all ages, issues and pets, gel usage, eye support, usage for vaccine support, UTIs, hormone balance and more.....) Intro includes Dr Jeri's discovery of the research on live aloe and she talks about what makes our AloeForce uniquely pure and potent with the fuels missing from other plants and from processed aloe. Immune Support is discussed and how 'live' raw-purified AloeForce addresses the needs for supporting the inner environment of the body, taking the burden off of the immune system, and nutrients and properties in the aloe that provide the support for a strong immune system. Immune Empowerment is also discussed as the aloe plant is the only plant that contains the direct fuel for our main immune/repair/growth cells and how the only way these fuels (beta-glucans) are intact and delivered is in its raw, protected, intact whole form. Dr Jeri discusses: Hydration, electrolyte minerals, oxygenation, antioxidants, inflammation, alkalinity, enzymes, probiotics, insulin balance, brain health, gut support and regeneration, fueling collagen production, fasting, absorption, detox and purification, and the fuels unique to aloe that fuel our main immune cells in charge of all balance, functioning, regeneration, immunity, and that orchestrate all wellness throughout the body. Dr Jeri also addresses: Wholistic Health Confidence and empowering the body's own cells, and systems for optimal health, vitality and wellness. CLICK HERE to listen to the replay (please do not share this link with others) Live Replay June 14, 2022. CLICK HERE to ListenIntro: Dr. Jeri discusses how the 'whole is greater than the sum of its parts' is best witnessed in the aloe vera plant for it is only when aloe is in its raw, whole, unbroken-by-processing raw form AND with its wholeness of rind and inner gel intact - can it contain and deliver all the fresh plant has to offer (which is miraculous)!
We don't hear much about aloe for regeneration and immune empowerment because aloe products don't actually do very much as they are essentially 'broken' and limited. However, the aloe plant, in its wholeness, contains all the fuels that Nature makes - including those that support our 'growth', balance, creation and wellness for all systems of the body. Here are just a few highlights of our discussion about our favorite wholistic summer solution: AloeForce! HYDRATION: Key to vitality and skin care in the summer heat:
FUN IN THE SUN: Skin care so important to enjoy 'healthy fun in the sun' a real vacation saver - from the inside out and the outside in:
ACHES & PAINS........interfering with summer fun (and 'overdoing it'): Naturally occurring plant anti-inflammatories, pain relievers, and regenerative fuels can provide deeply penetrating support (topically and internally) for our neuro-muscular-skeletal tissues to keep you active for summer fun. GUT & ELIMINATION COMFORT AND SUPPORT: Supports digestion and regularity & generates a healthy microbiome (it's also a great remedy while traveling - ship ahead if needed!) VITALITY: Whole aloe contains a wholistic 'meal' complete with amino acids and fuels for specialized cells in the body fueling life force energy for more summer fun. Pair that with hormone modulation and cortisol rinsing, you've got energy and less stress for your summer days. IMMUNE EMPOWERMENT: Whole Aloe creates an inner environment for a healthy immune system AND direct macrophage fuel. Whole aloe fuels the regeneration of our inner environment to orchestrate all health, wellness, and balance - for crisis intervention and proactive, empowered support. Finally - purified to be safe for daily use for the 'whole' family! AloeForce - Gel, Mist*, and Juices offer wholistic support - inside and out - as a complete first aid kit for summer fun and vacation 'assurance'! (*The Mistifer Spray should be back in stock in July) CLICK HERE to access the recording (please do not share this link) Live Replay May 10, 2022 CLICK HERE to ListenPlease note: We require registration to attend and listen to these calls to acknowledge our disclaimer that these calls are for educational purposes only about the living aloe plant's gifts to support our bodies when it is not 'broken' by processing.
This call covers background information on the discovery of raw, purified, 'live' aloe and the scientific documentation of the active ingredients in this form of aloe (that are lost in all other aloe product's processing). We focused on hair and skincare made simple and how Aloe is the perfect multi-purpose answer to internal and external skin and hair growth and renewal. We can look to Aloe's legendary reputation for wound healing, and Cleopatra's beauty. It's mentioned several times in the Bible along with frankincense and myrrh as being one of God's most amazing plant gifts to us. We often refer to the aloe plant as the fount of living waters, because it is the true fountain of all of the nutrients and fuels that fuel our own growth and health. Aloe is the only plant that contains a special sized beta glucomannan polysaccharide. These are what fuels our main immune cells (or macrophages) that have about 1000 functions. And this fuel is something that our bodies stop being able to produce after puberty when our growth phase is over. Now we have a resource available for our own growth, healing and renewal. Aloe contains proteolytic enzymes (that are known to 'exfoliate' unhealthy tissue/skin) and also fuels our fibroblasts to produce collagen, elastin, proteoglycans, all the things that make up bone, nerves, skin, hair, organs, glands, and connective tissue. This is exactly how Raw-Purified AloeForce can support healing, cooling, detoxing, hydrating, exfoliating, moisturizing and regenerating our skin topically and internally (with our Juice). The rest of the call discusses specific uses and testimonials that range from psoriasis, splinter removal, bug bites, weight loss and a full range of skin woes that can be made wows with AloeForce! Please take a listen and get inspired (and don't forget to make sure you have a bottle of juice in the fridge and a gel or mist handy because you'll want to try it for yourself). Live Replay April 12, 2022 CLICK HERE to ListenCall Summary: Please note: We require registration to attend and listen to these calls to acknowledge our disclaimer that these calls are for educational purposes only about the living aloe plant's gifts to support our bodies when it is not 'broken' by processing. This call covers background information on the discovery of raw, purified, 'live' aloe and the scientific documentation of the active ingredients in this form of aloe (that are lost in all other aloe product's processing). Our topic of 'Cleansing, Detox and Purification' was discussed and how 'live', intact aloe delivers so many properties for profound, cellular, organ and systemic purification and elimination support. From hydration to immune cell detoxing and empowerment to the regeneration of elimination organs and systems - the purified aloe plant offers gentle yet profound detox support (with only good 'side effects) for all cleansing regimens. We cited examples of surprising 'clearings' as well as how AloeForce is supportive of fasting protocols, time restricted eating and fat loss (due to detox) regimens. Dr. Reginald McDaniels, MD also joined the discussion. He was one of the original researchers for Carrington Labs who patented 'Acemannan' as the active ingredient in the aloe plant. These unique aloe polysaccharides were actually discovered when researching our liquid, live whole, raw-purified aloe - and Carrington documented that this unbroken aloe contains and delivers ALL the fuels the live plant has to offer (in its raw, liquid form). Carrington went on to document many properties of the unique active ingredient in the aloe plant. Dr. McDaniels joined us and validated that the properties we were speaking about is documented by their scientific research of the active ingredients in the aloe plant (immune system and purification/detoxification). "I can attest to the detoxification research that we found in support of all your cleansing comments." He goes on to discuss his work and research as well as the challenges he encountered. We encourage you to take a listen to this audio as a great deal of scientific documentation is clarified to reinforce the role that Dr. Jeri has taken in preserving the specially processed aloe in its whole form that led to this research and that unequivocally demonstrated how powerful and effective aloe's unique beta-glucomannan polysaccharides are (and why it is crucial to deliver them unheated and unbroken as they were never 'noticed' in other forms of aloe). We agree with Dr. McDaniels that aloe is the "single most important discovery in the history of mankind" and how everyone in the world needs to know about this. We are grateful for his continuing mission to share the science of this once-in-a-lifetime discovery that we are so fortunate to have at our disposal in its whole, unbroken, purified and most potent form! Live Q & A Replay March 8, 2022 - CLICK HERE to Listen
Intro: Dr. Jeri L Heyman, PhD discusses how our unique AloeForce products are specially processed to deliver all of the fuels that the Aloe plant provides WITHOUT any of the negatives since we completely purify and remove 100% of all toxins, laxatives, emodins, latex from our Aloe. This is why all of the limiting information you may find on the web does NOT apply to our aloe, but applies only to aloe vera in general and all other aloe products. The information on our website only applies to our AloeForce.
Dr. Jeri discusses how AloeForce offers both direct and indirect immune support, uniquely fueling our macrophages to do exactly what it needs to keep our systems thriving and attack any unwanted invaders, creating an ideal PH, while also balancing hormones including cortisol. The immune empowering and modulating features of AloeForce were discussed (as well as the aloe-extracted essiac herbs) as they support and fuel the regeneration gut health, microbiome diversity, while oxygenating the blood and so much more. Specific unique properties of the live AloeForce were discussed with regard to specific questions: how to talk to a loved one about health support, Barretts Esophagus, Tinnitus, Autoimmune and Lyme and how to use AloeForce for support intermittent fasting. We also discussed how AloeForce offers both internal and external skin wellness and anti-aging support. Dr. Jeri concluded with stories regarding hormonal acne and scarring, sinus infections, and overall hormonal health. CLICK HERE to listen to the recording. Intro: Dr. Jeri L Heyman, PhD discusses how our unique AloeForce products are specially processed to deliver all of the fuels that the Aloe plant provides WITHOUT any of the negatives since we completely purify and remove 100% of all toxins, laxatives, emodins, latex from our Aloe. This is why all of the limiting information you may find on the web does NOT apply to our aloe, but applies only to aloe vera in general and all other aloe products. The information on our website only applies to our AloeForce.
Dr. Jeri discusses how AloeForce offers both direct and indirect immune support, uniquely fueling our macrophages to do exactly what it needs to keep our systems thriving and attack any unwanted invaders, creating an ideal PH, while also balancing hormones including cortisol. The immune empowering and modulating features of AloeForce were discussed (as well as the aloe-extracted essiac herbs) as they support and fuel the regeneration gut health, microbiome diversity, while oxygenating the blood and so much more. Specific unique properties of the live AloeForce were discussed with regard to specific questions: how to talk to a loved one about health support, Barretts Esophagus, Tinnitus, Autoimmune and Lyme and how to use AloeForce for support intermittent fasting. We also discussed how AloeForce offers both internal and external skin wellness and anti-aging support. Dr. Jeri concluded with stories regarding hormonal acne and scarring, sinus infections, and overall hormonal health. CLICK HERE to listen to the recording. Live Q & A Replay February 8, 2022 - CLICK HERE to ListenCall Summary:
Intro: Dr. Jeri L Heyman, PhD discusses how our unique AloeForce products are specially processed to deliver all of the fuels that the Aloe plant provides WITHOUT any of the negatives since we completely purify and remove 100% of all toxins, laxatives, emodins, latex from our Aloe. This is why all of the information you may find on the web does NOT apply to our aloe, but applies only to aloe vera in general and all other aloe products. Dr. Jeri discusses the important role of Macrophages for our health and how only the live aloe plant has the direct fuel for these macrophages; providing complete health confidence in our own bodies and what they are capable of. We also discuss the impact of stress and other hormones such as insulin and cortisol and how AloeForce fuels our purification systems and can rise and balance these important hormones. We discussed usage (referencing the Dr. Finnegan article) as well as how AloeForce is more of a fuel than a "supplement". Questions included the use of gel, acne, microbiome health, male and female reproductive systems, regeneration and immune health and intermittent fasting support (our raw aloe is absorbed, not digested) The call was wrapped up with some creative uses of these multi-purpose products (the juice, the skin gel and the mistifier spray) such as use with animals, babies, hair growth, foot baths, colonics and many more! CLICK HERE to listen to the entire recording Notes on 01/22/22 Call (CLICK HERE to Listen)
Intro: Dr. Jeri begins with the discovery of 'raw' and 'purified' whole aloe vera and the pharmaceutical research done on it. AloeForce is the only source of this aloe that is safe and pure for newborns to the elderly, all types, issues, uses - including in feeding tubes (needs no digestion). She shares info on the plant's Beta-Glucans making it 'plant colostrum' directly fueling Macrophages (growth & detox and immune....) but only when it is 'unbroken by processing'. And finally, discusses the Aloe extracted herbs discovery. Gel: Overview - The Skin Gel is 100% undiluted AloeForce plus aloe herbal extracts, hyaluronic acid, green tea and colloidal silver. Discussion of tips and uses and testimonials including: All purpose beauty and first aid. Ingredients (naturally occurring and added), research, usage tips and testimonials including: all purpose facial, cleanser, toner, and 'regenerator for skin, hair, nails, wounds, after surgery, eyes, eyelashes.....and bites, rashes, irritation, splinters, bumps, lumps, acne.... Spray: The Mistifier Skin Spray is100% undiluted AloeForce plus - hyaluronic acid, amino acids, NaPCA, MSM..... lighter application of the AloeForce....more anti-inflammatory support. Juice, Skin Gel & Mistifier: Usage, tips, amounts & testimonials......including neuromuscular support, skin system and nasal applications and eye health. Notes on 12/21 Call (CLICK HERE to Listen):
Intro: Background of Raw-Purified Aloe discovery and its unique usage & properties. Discussed the Aloe plant's unique Beta-Glucomannan Macrophage fuels (only when the plant is not broken by processing). Discusses some properties of our body's Macrophages including its role in orchestrating the entire immune response as well as our purification and regeneration systems. Discussed the importance of strong, healthy Macrophages for a strong immune system, overall health and balance. Discussion of usage and resources on website. Q&A section: Discussions included: Varying usage according to needs; Malnutrition and absorption; Gut health, fasting and weight management; Neuromuscular support & fuels for collagen production; Hydration, detox/purification and balance; inflammation and sore muscles; stress and hormone balance; safety for daily use and with all issues and safe to use without any contraindications with any medications or medical treatments; safe for kids and pets too. AloeForce is the only Aloe that removes 100% of all contraindications for aloe (all of Aloe's natural Toxins/Laxatives/Latex/Emodin) and is the only aloe safe to use and drink daily, in high amounts if needed, for newborns to the elderly and for all ages, issues, conditions and situations. Please join us on our next call to ask your questions and share your experiences. Please email us your questions in advance if you can't make the live call - and share with your friends and family the possibilities with this newly discovered form of Aloe Vera. 11/09/21 Call Summary (CLICK HERE to listen)
Background/Introduction: Dr. Jeri begins by explaining the properties of the live aloe plant and how AloeForce is uniquely purified and uniquely processed, and because of this, uniquely effective. She became the “Accidental Aloe Expert” while pursing a pre-med path and getting her Ph.D. after a friend encouraged her to take a look at this new way of processing aloe. She dove into research from those using the original 'live, raw' Aloe including the pharmaceutical company, Carrington labs, who after demonstrating that our raw, pure Aloe 'worked' to fuel the immune cells and system when in its original liquid form and no longer worked on the immune system (with HIV, cancer, etc) when they isolated & freeze dried their 'Acemannan' - and she knew she had to take action. To make sure the original raw, completely purified aloe wouldn't be lost forever - Dr Jeri founded Herbal Answers, Inc, in 1995 to produce and make this unique - unbroken, liquified, 'whole' aloe in AloeForce products - known and available to the public. (Listen to the call for details and more research stories and evidence). Dr Jeri discusses The Aloe Plant is the only plant on the planet that has all the beta-glucomannans (fuels for all specialized cells) that Nature makes. It is the only plant on the planet that contains the beta 1,4 glucan that is the direct fuel for our main white blood cells, our macrophages (our immune modulating, regulatory, antiviral. and growth orchestration cells). And how only Aloe in its raw, intact, unbroken form will it contain and deliver these fuels to be able to fuel the macrophages and the other specialized cells directly. AloeForce is the only Aloe that removes 100% of all contraindications for aloe (all of Aloe's natural Toxins/Laxatives/Latex/Emodin) and is the only aloe safe to use and drink daily, in high amounts if needed, for newborns to the elderly and for all ages, issues, conditions and situations. A Brief Outline of Specific Questions/Issues: Dr Jeri discusses how live Aloe fuels and empowers the body's own systems to be better able to empower health and healing with regard to particular issues. She and others share testimonials/results and so much more.
We are always happy to share your experiences and stories that we receive every day (including this week's consulting with a family and doctor of a 7 year old with brain stem glioblastoma and approval for the Aloe in her feeding tube) - because these stories further confirm all that the body is capable of when it is empowered with nature’s fuels, for our own regeneration. We also discuss usage - a little helps a little - a lot helps a lot - as it is fuel - a unique and profoundly powerful all-purpose source of Nature's growth and wellness fuels. Please join us on our next call to ask your questions and share your experiences. Please email us your questions in advance if you can't make the live call - and share with your friends and family the possibilities with this newly discovered form of Aloe Vera. 10/12/21 Call Summary of Topics:
The topic for this month's intro was - Misunderstanding & misinformation about the aloe plant, aloe products and the whole truth and 'Secret Promise of Aloe Vera' and our uniquely purified AloeForce. The secret promise of aloe is discussed as well as the discovery of the whole, raw truth of aloe and its full potential and full promise as a unique and profound health support and regenerator. The full promise of aloe has been hidden and misunderstood due to the damaging processing of ALL other aloe products. Beware that all other information on aloe is NOT based on our aloe and is based on 'broken', limited, toxic aloe vera. Our aloe is uniquely purified to protect aloe's intact, sacred geometry AND removes 100% of aloe's impurities and toxins - removing all negatives for aloe usage! Our aloe is the only one safe for daily use, in high therapeutic amounts and by all ages and types. Our aloe is the only aloe that protects and delivers aloe's full potential and full promise for fueling all the healthy regeneration of all systems of the body including our immune health regeneration and empowerment. Immune Support & Macrophages: Research discoveries and resources....the discovery of our uniquely processed aloe's properties. Macrophage* empowerment as the key to direct immune system health and empowerment is discussed. (*macrophages = our main immune, antiviral response cells). The many implications and applications of aloe empowered macrophages. Usage guidelines maximizing antiviral support (nasal, internal, nebulizing usage). Immune empowerment - direct and indirect immune properties (detox, purification, inner environment and direct immune cell and regeneration fuels). Hormone balance (cortisol/stress reduction/sleep; fertility, lubrication, libido) Absorption and fasting with our aloe (intermittent fasting usage and weight loss). and more..... Questions Discussed: Fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal health, digestion/elimination, colon health, therapeutic HAF Gel usage, lung/respiratory health/nebulizing, hair loss/growth, inflammation issues, lupus/MS/auto immune issues, microbiome health, candida, probiotic, arthritis issues, tinitus/ear health, bile duct 'C' issues, prostate health, hydration/lubrication, detox/purification, and antiviral immune issues. 9/14/21 Call replay:
In addition to the background info and info on macrophages being our anti-viral and immune system regulatory cells (and lots of info on macrophages properties) and some of aloe's key properties. Indirect and direct immune support is discussed. Dr Jeri discusses topics that were sent in and asked on the call: Some issues addressed and discussed are: Nasal usage of the HAF SKin Gel and/or HAFJC nasally (JC - drops, spray, neti pot, diffuser, nebulizer). Use often to empower macrophages that produce antibodies, nitric oxide if needed, signal other immune support, and disrupt viral envelope and/or engulf and 'take out' virus, bacteria, allergens, and any toxins that enter that need to be destroyed/removed. It is recommended to use the JC or Gel regularly but especially if any symptoms begin. Use as often as possible and definitely before bedtime. (Gel can also be used in nose, mouth/gums, and in the eyes...) The 'art' of usage - follow usage guidelines on website for therapeutic usage. Indirect immune support properties. Direct immune modulating and empowering properties. Muscular/Skeletal support (for hip and knee replacements and more), Osteoarthritis issues, support for athletes and performance support, hair growth, hormone balance, gum health, increased absorption (of supplements), profound anti-inflammatory properties, alkalizing, microbiome health, pre/probiotic properties, glandular support, liver support, kidney and adrenal support, detox/purification support (discussed zeolite vs aloe), only good side effects, safety and purity, herbs in Herbal (Pau d'Arco being known for its DNA repair properties; Essiac known for its creating inner environment hostile to invaders and abnormal cells...)...and more. *By attending this call you acknowledge that this is an educational call about the aloe vera plant for
informational & educational purposes only, and does not intend to treat or mitigate any condition or disorder. Please always consult with your healthcare providers for professional medical advice. |